Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my parameters some obscure object?

In ModelingToolkit.jl version 9, the parameter vector was replaced with a custom MTKParameters object, whose internals are intentionally undocumented and subject to change without a breaking release. This enables us to efficiently store and generate code for parameters of multiple types. To obtain parameter values use SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl or SciMLStructures.jl. For example:[lorenz.β] # obtains the value of parameter `β`. Note the `.ps` instead of `.p`
getβ = getp(prob, lorenz.β) # returns a function that can fetch the value of `β`
getβ(sol) # can be used on any object that is based off of the same system

Indexes into the MTKParameters object take the form of ParameterIndex objects, which are similarly undocumented. Following is the list of behaviors that should be relied on for MTKParameters:

  • It implements the SciMLStructures interface.
  • It can be queried for parameters using functions returned from SymbolicIndexingInterface.getp.
  • getindex(::MTKParameters, ::ParameterIndex) can be used to obtain the value of a parameter with the given index.
  • setindex!(::MTKParameters, value, ::ParameterIndex) can be used to set the value of a parameter with the given index.
  • parameter_values(sys, sym) will return a ParameterIndex object if sys has been completed (through structural_simplify, complete or @mtkbuild).
  • copy(::MTKParameters) is defined and duplicates the parameter object, including the memory used by the underlying buffers.

Any other behavior of MTKParameters (other getindex/setindex! methods, etc.) is an undocumented internal and should not be relied upon.

How do I use non-numeric/array-valued parameters?

In ModelingToolkit.jl version 9, parameters are required to have a symtype matching the type of their values. For example, this will error during problem construction:

@parameters p = [1, 2, 3]

Since by default parameters have a symtype of Real (which is interpreted as Float64) but the default value given to it is a Vector{Int}. For array-valued parameters, use the following syntax:

@parameters p[1:n, 1:m]::T # `T` is the `eltype` of the parameter array
@parameters p::T # `T` is the type of the array

The former approach is preferred, since the size of the array is known. If the array is not a Base.Array or the size is not known during model construction, the second syntax is required.

The same principle applies to any parameter type that is not Float64.

@parameters p1::Int # integer-valued
@parameters p2::Bool # boolean-valued
@parameters p3::MyCustomStructType # non-numeric
@parameters p4::ComponentArray{...} # non-standard array

Getting the index for a symbol

Ordering of symbols is not guaranteed after symbolic transformations, and parameters are now stored in a custom MTKParameters object instead of a vector. Thus, values should be referred to by their name. For example sol[lorenz.x]. To obtain the index, use the following functions from SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl:

variable_index(sys, sym)
parameter_index(sys, sym)

Note that while the variable index will be an integer, the parameter index is a struct of type ParameterIndex whose internals should not be relied upon.

Transforming value maps to arrays

ModelingToolkit.jl allows (and recommends) input maps like [x => 2.0, y => 3.0] because symbol ordering is not guaranteed. However, what if you want to get the lowered array? You can use the internal function varmap_to_vars for unknowns. and the MTKParameters constructor for parameters. For example:

unew = varmap_to_vars([x => 1.0, y => 2.0, z => 3.0], unknowns(sys))
pnew = ModelingToolkit.MTKParameters(sys, [β => 3.0, c => 10.0, γ => 2.0], unew)

How do I handle if statements in my symbolic forms?

For statements that are in the if then else form, use Base.ifelse from the to represent the code in a functional form. For handling direct if statements, you can use equivalent boolean mathematical expressions. For example, if x > 0 ... can be implemented as just (x > 0) *, where if x <= 0 then the boolean will evaluate to 0 and thus the term will be excluded from the model.

ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Num) used in boolean context?

If you see the error:

ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Num) used in boolean context

then it's likely you are trying to trace through a function which cannot be directly represented in Julia symbols. The techniques to handle this problem, such as @register_symbolic, are described in detail in the Symbolics.jl documentation.

Using ModelingToolkit with Optimization / Automatic Differentiation

If you are using ModelingToolkit inside a loss function and are having issues with mixing MTK with automatic differentiation, getting performance, etc… don't! Instead, use MTK outside the loss function to generate the code, and then use the generated code inside the loss function.

For example, let's say you were building ODEProblems in the loss function like:

function loss(p)
    prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], [p1 => p[1], p2 => p[2]])
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
    sum(abs2, sol)

Since ODEProblem on a MTK sys will have to generate code, this will be slower than caching the generated code, and will require automatic differentiation to go through the code generation process itself. All of this is unnecessary. Instead, generate the problem once outside the loss function, and update the parameter values inside the loss function:

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], [p1 => p[1], p2 => p[2]])
function loss(p)
    # update parameters
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
    sum(abs2, sol)

If a subset of the parameters are optimized, setp from SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl should be used to generate an efficient function for setting parameter values. For example:

using SymbolicIndexingInterface

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], [p1 => p[1], p2 => p[2]])
setter! = setp(sys, [p1, p2])
function loss(p)
    setter!(prob, p)
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
    sum(abs2, sol)

SciMLStructures.jl can be leveraged to obtain all the parameters for optimization using the Tunable portion. By default, all numeric or numeric array parameters are marked as tunable, unless explicitly marked as tunable = false in the variable metadata.

using SciMLStructures: replace!, Tunable

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], [p1 => p[1], p2 => p[2]])
function loss(p)
    replace!(Tunable(), prob.p, p)
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
    sum(abs2, sol)

p, replace, alias = SciMLStructures.canonicalize(Tunable(), prob.p)
# p is an `AbstractVector` which can be optimized
# if `alias == true`, then `p` aliases the memory used by `prob.p`, so
# changes to the array will be reflected in parameter values

ERROR: ArgumentError: SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}[xˍt(t)] are missing from the variable map.

This error can come up after running structural_simplify on a system that generates dummy derivatives (i.e. variables with ˍt). For example, here even though all the variables are defined with initial values, the ODEProblem generation will throw an error that defaults are missing from the variable map.

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

sts = @variables x1(t)=0.0 x2(t)=0.0 x3(t)=0.0 x4(t)=0.0
eqs = [x1 + x2 + 1 ~ 0
       x1 + x2 + x3 + 2 ~ 0
       x1 + D(x3) + x4 + 3 ~ 0
       2 * D(D(x1)) + D(D(x2)) + D(D(x3)) + D(x4) + 4 ~ 0]
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
sys = structural_simplify(sys)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0,1))

We can solve this problem by using the missing_variable_defaults() function

prob = ODEProblem(sys, ModelingToolkit.missing_variable_defaults(sys), (0,1))

This function provides 0 for the default values, which is a safe assumption for dummy derivatives of most models. However, the 2nd argument allows for a different default value or values to be used if needed.

julia> ModelingToolkit.missing_variable_defaults(sys, [1,2,3])
3-element Vector{Pair}:
  x1ˍt(t) => 1
 x2ˍtt(t) => 2
 x3ˍtt(t) => 3

Change the unknown variable vector type

Use the u0_constructor keyword argument to map an array to the desired container type. For example:

using ModelingToolkit, StaticArrays
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

sts = @variables x1(t)=0.0
eqs = [D(x1) ~ 1.1 * x1]
@mtkbuild sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
prob = ODEProblem{false}(sys, [], (0,1); u0_constructor = x->SVector(x...))